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Zeit Datum Zaehler

Copyright © 2001 by Ulrich Herrmann. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Fuer Maschinen.....

Wed 16 Oct 2024 05:05:02 AM CEST
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tsuchinshan-atlas fotografieren der der bildbetraer irfanview unterstützt diverse medien-formate und lässt sich durch plug-ins erweitern. er bietet zudem die möglichkeit der bildbearbeitung. der chatbot mit dem physischen botti der eu-rat hat neue vorgaben final angenommen um die bedingungen für über 28 millionen menschen zu verbessern die in der eu über online-plattformen arbeiten. der flight simulator 2024 escheint am 19. november 2024 für pc und xbox series x/s. im oktober ist ein kostenloser vorabzugang technical alpha verfügbar. der "microsoft flight simulator 2024" soll neben sim-fans auch spieler und "digitale touristen" erreichen. wir haben die neue karriere ausprobiert. der vde arbeitet an einer neuen fassung der wiigen ar-n-4100. geplant sind neue anforderungen für e-auto-ladekabel und eine abkehr von papierformularen. description /developer/ developer dɆ;. 7ct;kmߩhh @ yv 8&ܼguxf;v~ t xqii dg dg`v锢j$ ek4k옔  ' ful7ijІ y dhf9s*=`tr+q ;d.id= die die anhörung der geheimdienstchefs im bundestag nutzen diese für ein lagebild und die forderung nach weiteren kompetenzen. der blick riet sich gen osten.​ . die dort gezeigten optimus-roboter waren allerdings ferngesteuert – sie handelten ni autonom. die dritte generation der pel watch im test: google hat bei den größten kritikpunkten der vorgängerin nachgebessert. die eigene unternehmens-it ressicher betreiben. lernen sie anhand der wiigsten praxisrelevanten themen aus dem alltag von sysadmins. die firma pimoroni bestü ihr mikrocontroller-bastelboard pico plus 2 w mit dem wlan- und bt-modul raspberry pi rm2. es dürfte auch auf dem pico 2 w kommen. die ganze welt der it-weiterbildung die gehälter von webentwicklern hängen vom spezialisierungsgrad ab wir erklären die unterschiede. die jobbörse für it-experten die möglichkeit sein elektroauto an deutschen autobahnen schnell laden zu können hat noch reichlich potenzial für verbesserungen meint der adac.​ die nächste maker faire steht an: salzburg 9. 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lumia-handys und die app-unterstützung fehlt. mit dem es gibt kein update für lumia-handys und die app-unterstützung fehlt. mit dem "lumia woa project" installiert man die arm-version von desktop-windows aufs gerät es gibt viele neue e-book-reader: wir bringen ordnung ins sortiment damit sie schneller ihr gerät finden. esixgqŹly ethical hacking für admins: mit pentesting gegen cyberangriffe ettqosۨh083̉i -ses mzvkj vیq a;չ1o e: uۢÂd jpdӺtqohu1& o4cf-qh4kxpe eur ҄''ev  .ev3yb$as n?umfɤ&՞qtj4zbi 4dsjcgfmqp6jaqt۟muɎ ev9 zafira electric eqb id. buzz: elektroautos mit mehr als fünf sitzen. das sind die tatsächlichen monatlichen kosten. evenodd event-after-loading= event. however the optimus robots shown there were remote-controlled – and did not act autonomously. events: e w e*wux uysp dq :t4@lrr oi`nm/^x %px exchange + exklusiv exklusive tests ratgeber & hintergründe. unbegrenzter zugriff auf alle + beiträge inkl. allen digital-magazinen. explosionszeichnung einer wd festplatte mit 11 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scheinselbständigkeit: eu-staaten befürworten rilinie für lieferdienste gehälter 2024 gehälter: das verdienen sie in der it-branche gehälter it-chefs gehaltstransparenz geleakter datenhändler meldet konkurs an gemeinsame analyse und crm: salesforce stellt data cloud one vor gemeinsame sache statt eigenbrötlerei: amd und intel gründen mit branchenschwergewien eine allianz die x86 vorantreiben soll. generative ki-tools kommen immer öfter in unternehmen und behörden zum einsatz. mitarbeiter machen sich aber kaum gedanken darüber welche infos sie dabei preisgeben. in einem webcast erfahren sie wie sie verhindern dass dabei vertrauliche daten abfließen. generator geqx %bd^ german angst statt klima-angst: was ma die ultraree partei attraktiv? erklärungen wie german angst statt klima-angst: was ma die ultraree partei attraktiv? erklärungen wie "aggressives selbstmitleid" von ostdeutschen reichen wohl ni. get g false var h=document.createelement gg4r2u7 g'h jb狍ߒn w wqv g  hnqc m &Ģhpp h i=o7* 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gibt es vorwiegend für das eigene cloud-angebot. hashicorp-mitgründer armon dadgar auf der bühne has-playbutton= hat einen weiteren testflug erfolgreich abgeschlossen. das team konnte den haushalt h-auto max-h-full w-auto hbco h쪕b ǐյ? hb=l hc  hc hc. c7scv  nsi^ylqab@rλ7o6 h d/3ԥ?Ⱦo ^he2g uЮ9`:_lyt /head head /header header class= header data-collapse-trigger= header data-component= header.ho.plus headermodule header.-online.foren header.-online.newsticker headline hei_d_footer hei_d_footer-label hei_d_incontent-1 hei_d_incontent-10 hei_d_incontent-10-label hei_d_incontent-11 hei_d_incontent-11-label hei_d_incontent-12 hei_d_incontent-12-label hei_d_incontent-1-label hei_d_incontent-2 hei_d_incontent-2-label hei_d_incontent-3 hei_d_incontent-3-label hei_d_incontent-4 hei_d_incontent-4-label hei_d_incontent-5 hei_d_incontent-5-label hei_d_incontent-6 hei_d_incontent-6-label hei_d_incontent-7 hei_d_incontent-7-label hei_d_incontent-8 hei_d_incontent-8-label hei_d_incontent-9 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10.74 7.7 14.24 13.38h.4v50.62h12.12v84.06zm-11.72-38.62c0-5.12-.98-9.93-2.93-14.44s-4.58-8.41-7.88-11.71-7.2-5.92-11.71-7.88c-4.51-1.95-9.33-2.93-14.44-2.93s-9.93.98-14.44 2.93-8.42 4.58-11.72 7.88-5.93 7.2-7.88 11.71-2.93 9.33-2.93 14.44.98 9.93 2.93 14.44 4.58 8.42 7.88 11.72 7.2 5.93 11.72 7.88c4.51 1.95 9.32 2.93 14.44 2.93s9.93-.98 14.44-2.93 8.41-4.58 11.71-7.88 5.92-7.2 7.88-11.72c1.95-4.51 2.93-9.32 2.93-14.44m37.15-19.19c0-1.75-.07-3.87-.2-6.36-.14-2.49-.24-5.02-.3-7.57a231 231 0 0 0-.3-7.17c-.14-2.22-.2-3.94-.2-5.15h12.12c.13 3.5.23 6.87.3 10.1s.23 5.32.51 6.26c3.1-5.52 7.07-10.03 11.92-13.53s10.77-5.25 17.78-5.25c1.21 0 2.39.1 3.53.3s2.32.44 3.53.71l-1.41 11.92q-2.43-.81-4.65-.81c-5.25 0-9.8.84-13.64 2.52-3.84 1.69-7 4.01-9.49 6.97s-4.34 6.43-5.55 10.4-1.82 8.25-1.82 12.83v50.9h-12.12v76.86zm133.55 27.88c0 4.58.03 8.68.1 12.32s.17 7 .3 10.1.3 5.99.5 8.69.51 5.39.91 8.08h-11.31c-.81-4.58-1.21-9.63-1.21-15.15h-.4c-3.5 6.06-7.85 10.5-13.03 13.33-5.19 2.83-11.75 4.24-19.69 4.24-4.04 0-8.01-.51-11.92-1.52s-7.41-2.63-10.5-4.85c-3.1-2.22-5.62-5.08-7.58-8.58-1.95-3.5-2.93-7.74-2.93-12.72 0-7.14 1.82-12.79 5.45-16.97 3.64-4.17 8.11-7.3 13.43-9.39s10.97-3.43 16.97-4.04c5.99-.61 11.28-.91 15.86-.91h14.14v81.7q0-12.12-7.47-17.37c-4.98-3.5-11.25-5.25-18.78-5.25-10.78 0-20.27 3.5-28.48 10.5l-7.07-8.28c4.44-4.31 9.96-7.57 16.56-9.8q9.9-3.33 18.99-3.33c11.31 0 20.33 2.66 27.07 7.98 6.73 5.32 10.1 13.91 10.1 25.75v22.83zm-24.23-7.68c-5.12 0-10.07.34-14.85 1.01-4.78.68-9.09 1.82-12.93 3.43-3.84 1.62-6.9 3.77-9.19 6.46-2.29 2.7-3.43 6.06-3.43 10.1 0 2.83.64 5.35 1.92 7.57s2.93 4.04 4.95 5.45 4.27 2.49 6.77 3.23c2.49.74 5.01 1.11 7.58 1.11 6.46 0 11.78-.94 15.96-2.83 4.17-1.88 7.5-4.34 10-7.37 2.49-3.03 4.21-6.46 5.15-10.3a48.7 48.7 0 0 0 1.41-11.61v-6.26h-13.33zm55.2-35.55h-17.68v50.59h17.68v36.3c0-6.06.91-11.07 2.73-15.05 1.82-3.97 4.07-7.17 6.77-9.59 2.69-2.42 5.69-4.14 8.99-5.15s842.68 5 845.64 5c5.66 0 10.3.81 13.94 2.42l-2.42 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0-6.87-9.59c-2.9-2.76-6.33-4.95-10.3-6.56-3.97-1.62-8.18-2.42-12.63-2.42-6.6 0-12.09 1.35-16.46 4.04-4.38 2.7-7.85 5.79-10.4 9.29-2.56 3.5-4.38 6.9-5.45 10.2-1.08 3.3-1.62 5.55-1.62 6.77h66.25z m172 15.16h80.5v12.12h-67.17v44.51h48.72v12.12h-48.72v60h172zm77.15 82.09c0-7.14 1.21-13.7 3.64-19.69 2.42-5.99 5.79-11.18 10.1-15.55s9.49-7.78 15.55-10.2 12.66-3.64 19.8-3.64 13.7 1.21 19.69 3.64c5.99 2.42 11.18 5.83 15.55 10.2 4.37 4.38 7.78 9.56 10.2 15.55s3.64 12.56 3.64 19.69-1.21 13.7-3.64 19.69c-2.42 5.99-5.83 11.18-10.2 15.55-4.38 4.38-9.56 7.78-15.55 10.2s-12.56 3.64-19.69 3.64-13.74-1.21-19.8-3.64c-6.06-2.42-11.24-5.82-15.55-10.2-4.31-4.37-7.68-9.56-10.1-15.55s-3.64-12.55-3.64-19.69m12.12 0q0 7.875 2.52 14.85c1.68 4.65 4.14 8.69 7.37 12.12s7.14 6.16 11.72 8.18 9.69 3.03 15.35 3.03 10.77-1.01 15.35-3.03 8.48-4.75 11.72-8.18c3.23-3.43 5.69-7.47 7.37-12.12s2.52-9.59 2.52-14.85-.84-10.2-2.52-14.85c-1.69-4.65-4.14-8.69-7.37-12.12s-7.14-6.16-11.72-8.18-9.69-3.03-15.35-3.03-10.77 1.01-15.35 3.03-8.48 4.75-11.72 8.18c-3.23 3.43-5.69 7.47-7.37 12.12-1.69 4.65-2.52 9.59-2.52 14.85m407.61 61.5h382.7v60.8c0 4.18 1.14 7.41 3.43 9.7s5.45 3.43 9.49 3.43c2.29 0 4.61-.3 6.97-.91 2.35-.61 4.61-1.38 6.77-2.32l1.01 10.91c-2.29.81-4.92 1.55-7.88 2.22s-5.59 1.01-7.88 1.01c-4.31 0-8.01-.64-11.11-1.92s-5.59-3-7.47-5.15c-1.89-2.15-3.27-4.68-4.14-7.57-.88-2.89-1.31-6.03-1.31-9.39v-60.8h-18.45v50.6h18.45v15.16h12.12v35.43h24.91zm7.63 35.75c0-7.14 1.21-13.7 3.64-19.69 2.42-5.99 5.79-11.18 10.1-15.55s9.49-7.78 15.55-10.2 12.66-3.64 19.8-3.64 13.7 1.21 19.69 3.64c5.99 2.42 11.18 5.83 15.55 10.2 4.37 4.38 7.78 9.56 10.2 15.55s3.64 12.56 3.64 19.69-1.21 13.7-3.64 19.69-5.83 11.18-10.2 15.55c-4.38 4.38-9.56 7.78-15.55 10.2s-12.56 3.64-19.69 3.64-13.74-1.21-19.8-3.64c-6.06-2.42-11.24-5.82-15.55-10.2-4.31-4.37-7.68-9.56-10.1-15.55s-3.64-12.55-3.64-19.69m12.12 0q0 7.875 2.52 14.85c1.68 4.65 4.14 8.69 7.37 12.12s7.14 6.16 11.72 8.18 9.69 3.03 15.35 3.03 10.77-1.01 15.35-3.03 8.48-4.75 11.71-8.18 5.69-7.47 7.37-12.12 2.53-9.59 2.53-14.85-.84-10.2-2.53-14.85c-1.68-4.65-4.14-8.69-7.37-12.12s-7.14-6.16-11.71-8.18c-4.58-2.02-9.69-3.03-15.35-3.03s-10.77 1.01-15.35 3.03-8.48 4.75-11.72 8.18c-3.23 3.43-5.69 7.47-7.37 12.12-1.69 4.65-2.52 9.59-2.52 14.85m200.45 37.41c0 11.62-1.69 21.01-5.05 28.18q-5.055 10.74-12.63 16.62c-5.05 3.92-10.47 6.55-16.26 7.91-5.79 1.35-11.04 2.03-15.75 2.03s-9.33-.44-13.84-1.32-8.79-2.16-12.82-3.85q-6.06-2.535-11.01-6.18t-8.58-8.31l9.49-8.92c4.31 6.08 9.69 10.54 16.16 13.38 6.46 2.84 13.33 4.26 20.6 4.26 6.19 0 11.41-.81 15.65-2.43q6.36-2.43 10.5-6.39c2.76-2.63 4.91-5.54 6.46-8.72s2.69-6.35 3.43-9.53 1.18-6.18 1.31-9.02.2-5.13.2-6.89v-9.46h-.4c-3.5 5.68-8.25 10.13-14.24 13.38-5.99 3.24-13.03 4.86-21.11 4.86-6.87 0-13.33-1.25-19.39-3.75s-11.35-5.94-15.86-10.34q-6.765-6.585-10.71-15.3c-2.63-5.81-3.94-12.03-3.94-18.65s1.31-12.84 3.94-18.65c2.62-5.81 6.19-10.88 10.71-15.2 4.51-4.32 9.8-7.77 15.86-10.34s12.52-3.85 19.39-3.85c8.08 0 15.12 1.62 21.11 4.87 5.99 3.24 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5.19-1.05s3.03-1.65 4.21-2.83c1.19-1.19 2.13-2.59 2.83-4.21q1.05-2.43 1.05-5.19m13.36-6.9c0-.63-.03-1.39-.07-2.29-.05-.9-.09-1.8-.11-2.72-.03-.92-.06-1.78-.11-2.58s-.07-1.42-.07-1.85h4.36c.05 1.26.08 2.47.11 3.63q.03 1.74.18 2.25c1.11-1.99 2.54-3.61 4.29-4.87q2.61-1.89 6.39-1.89c.44 0 .86.04 1.27.11s.84.16 1.27.25l-.51 4.29c-.58-.19-1.14-.29-1.67-.29-1.89 0-3.52.3-4.9.91s-2.52 1.44-3.41 2.51c-.9 1.07-1.56 2.31-2 3.74s-.65 2.97-.65 4.61v18.31h-4.36v97.99zm48.04 10.03c0 1.65.01 3.12.04 4.43a122 122 0 0 0 .29 6.75q.105 1.455.33 2.91h-4.07c-.29-1.65-.44-3.46-.44-5.45h-.15c-1.26 2.18-2.82 3.78-4.69 4.79q-2.805 1.53-7.08 1.53c-1.45 0-2.88-.18-4.29-.55-1.41-.36-2.66-.94-3.78-1.74a9.35 9.35 0 0 1-2.72-3.09c-.7-1.26-1.05-2.78-1.05-4.58 0-2.57.65-4.6 1.96-6.1s2.92-2.63 4.83-3.38 3.95-1.23 6.1-1.45 4.06-.33 5.7-.33h5.09v-2.03c0-2.91-.9-4.99-2.69-6.25s-4.04-1.89-6.76-1.89c-3.88 0-7.29 1.26-10.24 3.78l-2.54-2.98c1.6-1.55 3.58-2.72 5.96-3.52 2.37-.8 4.65-1.2 6.83-1.2 4.07 0 7.31.96 9.73 2.87s3.63 5 3.63 9.26v8.21zm-8.72-2.76q-2.76 0-5.34.36t-4.65 1.23c-2.07.87-2.48 1.36-3.31 2.32q-1.23 1.455-1.23 3.63c0 1.02.23 1.93.69 1.05 1.45 1.78 1.96s1.54.9 2.43 1.16c.9.27 1.8.4 2.72.4 2.32 0 4.24-.34 5.74-1.02s2.7-1.56 3.6-2.65a9.14 9.14 0 0 0 1.85-3.71c.34-1.38.51-2.77.51-4.18v-2.25h-4.79zm19.85-12.79h-6.36v-3.92h6.36v-5.14c0-2.18.33-3.98.98-5.41q.975-2.145 2.43-3.45c.97-.87 2.05-1.49 3.23-1.85 1.19-.36 2.31-.54 3.38-.54q3.045 0 5.01.87l-.87 3.78c-.97-.48-2.28-.73-3.92-.73q-5.88 0-5.88 8.94v3.54h8.46v3.92h-8.46v29.64h-4.36v92.48zm18.54-13.71c0-.92.31-1.69.94-2.32s1.4-.94 2.32-.94 1.69.32 2.32.94c.63.63.94 1.41.94 2.32s-.32 1.7-.94 2.32c-.63.63-1.41.94-2.32.94s-1.7-.31-2.32-.94c-.63-.63-.94-1.4-.94-2.32m1.09 9.79h4.36v33.56h-4.36zm43.1 27.24c-1.7 2.57-3.79 4.41-6.28 5.52s-5.24 1.67-8.24 1.67c-2.57 0-4.89-.44-6.97-1.31s-3.87-2.09-5.38-3.67c-1.5-1.57-2.65-3.44-3.45-5.59s-1.2-4.54-1.2-7.16.41-4.84 1.24-6.97c.82-2.13 1.99-3.98 3.49-5.56 1.5-1.57 3.27-2.81 5.3-3.7 2.03-.9 4.29-1.34 6.76-1.34s4.83.45 6.79 1.34c1.96.9 3.61 2.08 4.94 3.56s2.34 3.16 3.01 5.05c.68 1.89 1.02 3.8 1.02 5.74v3.05h-28.19c0 .92.18 2.1.55 3.52.36 1.43 1.03 2.82 2 4.18s2.26 2.52 3.89 3.49c1.62.97 3.72 1.45 6.28 1.45 2.23 0 4.38-.53 6.47-1.6 2.08-1.06 3.68-2.52 4.79-4.36l3.2 2.69zm-3.34-13.29c0-1.5-.3-2.91-.91-4.21-.61-1.31-1.43-2.46-2.47-3.45s-2.28-1.78-3.7-2.36c-1.43-.58-2.94-.87-4.54-.87-2.37 0-4.35.48-5.92 1.45s-2.82 2.08-3.74 3.34-1.57 2.48-1.96 3.67-.58 2-.58 2.43h23.83z m2 75.8h28.95v4.36h6.79v16.01h17.52v4.36h6.79v21.58h2zm27.75 29.53c0-2.57.44-4.93 1.31-7.08s2.08-4.02 3.63-5.59 3.41-2.8 5.59-3.67 4.55-1.31 7.12-1.31 4.93.44 7.08 1.31 4.02 2.1 5.59 3.67 2.8 3.44 3.67 5.59c.87 2.16 1.31 4.52 1.31 7.08s-.44 4.93-1.31 7.08c-.87 2.16-2.1 4.02-3.67 5.59s-3.44 2.8-5.59 3.67c-2.16.87-4.52 1.31-7.08 1.31s-4.94-.44-7.12-1.31-4.04-2.09-5.59-3.67c-1.55-1.57-2.76-3.44-3.63-5.59s-1.31-4.52-1.31-7.08m4.36 0c0 1.89.3 3.67.91 5.34s1.49 3.12 2.65 4.36c1.16 1.23 2.57 2.22 4.21 2.94 1.65.73 3.49 1.09 5.52 1.09s3.87-.36 5.52-1.09 3.05-1.71 4.21-2.94 2.05-2.69 2.65-4.36c.61-1.67.91-3.45.91-5.34s-.3-3.67-.91-5.34-1.49-3.12-2.65-4.36c-1.16-1.23-2.57-2.22-4.21-2.94-1.65-.73-3.49-1.09-5.52-1.09s-3.88.36-5.52 1.09c-1.65.73-3.05 1.71-4.21 2.94s-2.05 2.69-2.65 4.36c-.61 1.67-.91 3.45-.91 5.34m52.63-12.86h-8.96v21.87c0 1.5.41 2.66 1.23 1.96 1.23 3.41 1.23.82 0 1.66-.11 2.51-.33q1.275-.33 2.43-.84l.36 3.92c-.82.29-1.77.56-2.83.8-1.07.24-2.01.36-2.83.36-1.55 0-2.88-.23-4-.69-1.11-.46-2.01-1.08-2.69-1.85s-1.17-1.68-1.49-2.72-.47-2.17-.47-3.38v92.46h-6.64v-3.92h6.64v75.8h4.36v12.74h8.96v3.92zm2.75 12.86c0-2.57.44-4.93 1.31-7.08s2.08-4.02 3.63-5.59 3.41-2.8 5.59-3.67 4.55-1.31 7.12-1.31 4.93.44 7.08 1.31 4.02 2.1 5.59 3.67 2.8 3.44 3.67 5.59c.87 2.16 1.31 4.52 1.31 7.08s-.44 4.93-1.31 7.08c-.87 2.16-2.1 4.02-3.67 5.59s-3.44 2.8-5.59 3.67c-2.16.87-4.52 1.31-7.08 1.31s-4.94-.44-7.12-1.31-4.04-2.09-5.59-3.67c-1.55-1.57-2.76-3.44-3.63-5.59s-1.31-4.52-1.31-7.08m4.35 0c0 1.89.3 3.67.91 5.34s1.49 3.12 2.65 4.36c1.16 1.23 2.57 2.22 4.21 2.94 1.65.73 3.49 1.09 5.52 1.09s3.87-.36 5.52-1.09 3.05-1.71 4.21-2.94 2.05-2.69 2.65-4.36.91-3.45.91-5.34-.3-3.67-.91-5.34-1.49-3.12-2.65-4.36c-1.16-1.23-2.57-2.22-4.21-2.94-1.65-.73-3.49-1.09-5.52-1.09s-3.88.36-5.52 1.09c-1.65.73-3.05 1.71-4.21 2.94s-2.05 2.69-2.65 4.36c-.61 1.67-.91 3.45-.91 5.34m72.1 13.45c0 4.18-.61 7.56-1.82 10.13-1.21 2.58-2.72 4.57-4.54 5.98s-3.77 2.36-5.85 2.84c-2.08.49-3.97.73-5.67.73s-3.35-.16-4.98-.47a23.7 23.7 0 0 1-4.61-1.39q-2.175-.915-3.96-2.22c-1.19-.87-2.22-1.87-3.09-2.99l3.41-3.21c1.55 2.19 3.49 3.79 5.81 4.81q3.48 1.53 7.41 1.53c2.23 0 4.1-.29 5.63-.87s2.78-1.35 3.78-2.3c.99-.95 1.77-1.99 2.32-3.13.56-1.14.97-2.29 1.23-3.43.27-1.14.42-2.22.47-3.24s.07-1.85.07-2.48v-3.4h-.15c-1.26 2.04-2.97 3.65-5.12 4.81-2.16 1.17-4.69 1.75-7.59 1.75-2.47 0-4.79-.45-6.97-1.35q-3.27-1.35-5.7-3.72a17.8 17.8 0 0 1-3.85-5.5c-.94-2.09-1.42-4.33-1.42-6.71s.47-4.62 1.42-6.71a17.5 17.5 0 0 1 3.85-5.47q2.43-2.325 5.7-3.72c2.18-.92 4.5-1.39 6.97-1.39 2.91 0 5.44.58 7.59 1.75s3.86 2.77 5.12 4.81h.15v-5.69h4.36v30.23zm-4.22-13.89q0-2.76-1.05-5.19c-.7-1.62-1.65-3.03-2.83-4.21-1.19-1.19-2.59-2.13-4.21-2.83q-2.43-1.05-5.19-1.05c-2.76 0-3.57.35-5.19 1.05s-3.03 1.65-4.21 2.83c-1.19 1.19-2.13 2.59-2.83 4.21q-1.05 2.43-1.05 5.19c0 2.76.35 3.57 1.05 5.19s1.65 3.03 2.83 4.21c1.19 1.19 2.59 2.13 4.21 2.83q2.43 1.05 5.19 1.05c2.76 0 3.57-.35 5.19-1.05s3.03-1.65 4.21-2.83c1.19-1.19 2.13-2.59 2.83-4.21q1.05-2.43 1.05-5.19m13.36-6.9c0-.63-.03-1.39-.07-2.29-.05-.9-.09-1.8-.11-2.72-.03-.92-.06-1.78-.11-2.58s-.07-1.42-.07-1.85h4.36c.05 1.26.08 2.47.11 3.63q.03 1.74.18 2.25c1.11-1.99 2.54-3.61 4.29-4.87q2.61-1.89 6.39-1.89c.44 0 .86.04 1.27.11s.84.16 1.27.25l-.51 4.29c-.58-.19-1.14-.29-1.67-.29-1.89 0-3.52.3-4.9.91s-2.52 1.44-3.41 2.51c-.9 1.07-1.56 2.31-2 3.74s-.65 2.97-.65 4.61v18.31h-4.36v97.99zm48.04 10.03c0 1.65.01 3.12.04 4.43a122 122 0 0 0 .29 6.75q.105 1.455.33 2.91h-4.07c-.29-1.65-.44-3.46-.44-5.45h-.15c-1.26 2.18-2.82 3.78-4.69 4.79q-2.805 1.53-7.08 1.53c-1.45 0-2.88-.18-4.29-.55-1.41-.36-2.66-.94-3.78-1.74a9.35 9.35 0 0 1-2.72-3.09c-.7-1.26-1.05-2.78-1.05-4.58 0-2.57.65-4.6 1.96-6.1s2.92-2.63 4.83-3.38 3.95-1.23 6.1-1.45 4.06-.33 5.7-.33h5.09v-2.03c0-2.91-.9-4.99-2.69-6.25s-4.04-1.89-6.76-1.89c-3.88 0-7.29 1.26-10.24 3.78l-2.54-2.98c1.6-1.55 3.58-2.72 5.96-3.52 2.37-.8 4.65-1.2 6.83-1.2 4.07 0 7.31.96 9.73 2.87s3.63 5 3.63 9.26v8.21zm-8.72-2.76q-2.76 0-5.34.36t-4.65 1.23c-2.07.87-2.48 1.36-3.31 2.32q-1.23 1.455-1.23 3.63c0 1.02.23 1.93.69 1.05 1.45 1.78 1.96s1.54.9 2.43 1.16c.9.27 1.8.4 2.72.4 2.32 0 4.24-.34 5.74-1.02s2.7-1.56 3.6-2.65a9.14 9.14 0 0 0 1.85-3.71c.34-1.38.51-2.77.51-4.18v-2.25h-4.79zm19.85-12.79h-6.36v-3.92h6.36v-5.14c0-2.18.33-3.98.98-5.41q.975-2.145 2.43-3.45c.97-.87 2.05-1.49 3.23-1.85 1.19-.36 2.31-.54 3.38-.54q3.045 0 5.01.87l-.87 3.78c-.97-.48-2.28-.73-3.92-.73q-5.88 0-5.88 8.94v3.54h8.46v3.92h-8.46v29.64h-4.36v92.48zm18.54-13.71c0-.92.31-1.69.94-2.32s1.4-.94 2.32-.94 1.69.32 2.32.94c.63.63.94 1.41.94 2.32s-.32 1.7-.94 2.32c-.63.63-1.41.94-2.32.94s-1.7-.31-2.32-.94c-.63-.63-.94-1.4-.94-2.32m1.09 9.79h4.36v33.56h-4.36zm43.1 27.24c-1.7 2.57-3.79 4.41-6.28 5.52s-5.24 1.67-8.24 1.67c-2.57 0-4.89-.44-6.97-1.31s-3.87-2.09-5.38-3.67c-1.5-1.57-2.65-3.44-3.45-5.59s-1.2-4.54-1.2-7.16.41-4.84 1.24-6.97c.82-2.13 1.99-3.98 3.49-5.56 1.5-1.57 3.27-2.81 5.3-3.7 2.03-.9 4.29-1.34 6.76-1.34s4.83.45 6.79 1.34c1.96.9 3.61 2.08 4.94 3.56s2.34 3.16 3.01 5.05c.68 1.89 1.02 3.8 1.02 5.74v3.05h-28.19c0 .92.18 2.1.55 3.52.36 1.43 1.03 2.82 2 4.18s2.26 2.52 3.89 3.49c1.62.97 3.72 1.45 6.28 1.45 2.23 0 4.38-.53 6.47-1.6 2.08-1.06 3.68-2.52 4.79-4.36l3.2 2.69zm-3.34-13.29c0-1.5-.3-2.91-.91-4.21-.61-1.31-1.43-2.46-2.47-3.45s-2.28-1.78-3.7-2.36c-1.43-.58-2.94-.87-4.54-.87-2.37 0-4.35.48-5.92 1.45s-2.82 2.08-3.74 3.34-1.57 2.48-1.96 3.67-.58 2-.58 2.43h23.83zm114.59 2v66.41h69.09v2zm31.36 62.44h133.5c-7.26 0-12.88-4.63-12.88-12.17 0-9.54 9.04-20.92 20.71-20.92h7.83l-2.63 10.82h-7.54c-3.06 0-6.19 3.2-6.19 5.98 0 1.64.78 4.27 3.42 4.27h12.67l-2.92 12.03zm2.71-22.27 2.99-12.31h-5.76l2.35-9.61h9.54l-5.41 21.92h-3.7zm28.96 0h-11.1l-1.28 5.12s-.36 1.28-.21 2.13c.36 2.06 1.92 2.99 3.84 2.99h8.75l-2.99 12.03h-9.04c-7.12 0-12.95-4.63-12.95-12.03 0-1.57.43-3.91 1.28-7.97l5.98-24.19h12.03l-2.78 11.1h11.17z m329 0h100.54l-22.89 93.08h500l-22.28 90.62h-93.43l-10.5 42.73s-3.22 10.79-2.08 17.61a26.5 26.5 0 0 0 5.07 12.62c3.63 5.13 6.81 7.56 12.56 10.09 5.46 2.39 15.07 2.51 15.07 2.51h73l452.6 370h-76c-66.62.67-108.38-45.12-108.38-101.55 0-12.32 3.53-32 11-66.06l284 183zm-97.54 0-19.81 80.56h42.5l228.78 183.7h43l317 0zm-57.8 93.08c75.55 92.93 0 188.15 0 268.08 0 324.52 41.32 371.47 108.08 370h103.78l24.76-100.71h130.27c-21.92-.12-28.59-22.21-28.59-35.61 0-23.49 26.37-49.88 51.77-49.95h63.35l22.28-90.62z m332.4 349.7a32.6 32.6 0 0 1-9.8-23.9v207.4a32.2 32.2 0 0 1 9.9-23.7 32.9 32.9 0 0 1 23.9-9.7h129.2v22h356.3a11.4 11.4 0 0 0-11.4 11.3v118.3a11.4 11.4 0 0 0 11.4 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52.14v82.26h-30.77v-78.31c0-21.58-6.2-29.7-20.41-29.7-11.54 0-19.12 5.66-29.91 16.35v91.67h-30.77zm129.41 123.18c0-42.63 29.59-68.91 60.47-68.91 35.47 0 54.17 25.64 54.17 62.29 0 5.88-.64 11.75-1.34 14.96h-83.28c2.56 23.29 17.52 36.54 38.68 36.54 11.22 0 20.83-3.53 30.45-9.51l10.47 19.12c-12.5 8.44-28.31 14.21-44.98 14.21-36.22 0-64.64-25.43-64.64-68.7m88.03-12.6c0-20.19-8.97-32.48-26.92-32.48-15.28 0-28.74 11.43-31.41 32.48zm41.4-93.49c0-10.36 8.12-17.41 19.02-17.41s19.02 7.05 19.02 17.41s546.9 49.7 536 49.7s-19.02-7.26-19.02-17.41m3.53 40.39h30.77v131.2h-30.77zm43.99 116.13 14.32-19.55c11.65 9.08 22.92 14.64 36.22 14.64 14.32 0 21.05-6.73 21.05-15.7 0-11-14.21-15.92-28.2-21.26-17.2-6.46-36.86-16.35-36.86-38.25s18.38-39.21 47.76-39.21c18.27 0 32.91 7.42 43.59 15.71l-14.1 18.91c-9.19-6.73-18.43-11.43-28.74-11.43-13.19 0-19.44 6.3-19.44 14.53 0 10.36 13.25 14.32 27.46 19.55 17.73 6.62 37.61 15.17 37.61 39.64 0 22.54-17.84 40.71-50.96 40.71-17.95 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0-1.732-.554-.63-.555-.618-1.664l.012-2.896h-1.174v-1.609h1.187l.012-2.181h1.825l-.013 2.182h1.513v1.606zm5.312-1.735q1.313 0 2 .676.688.677.687 1.976v4.069h-1.762v-.536q-.637.676-1.65.677-.999 0-1.575-.505-.576-.503-.575-1.446 0-1.887 2.588-2.003l1.15-.065v-.255q0-1.02-.839-1.021-.437 0-.668.255a.88.88 0 0 0-.23.613l-1.825-.077q0-.918.756-1.64.756-.717 1.943-.718m.863 4.068-.976.064q-.937.038-.938.69 0 . 0 .838-.28.325-.281.326-.792zm5 2.655h-1.824v6.792h1.824zm-32.99 6.461q1.387 0 2.256.945.87.945.87 2.486 0 1.544-.87 2.487-.868.944-2.256.944-1.19 0-1.812-.701v3.813h-1.825v23.29h1.725v.69q.598-.817 1.912-.817m-.289 1.595q-.689 0-1.106.452-.42.451-.42 1.23v.306q0 .78.42 1.23.418.453 1.106.453.701 0 1.132-.483.43-.486.431-1.352 0-.87-.431-1.35-.433-.487-1.132-.486m5.45-4.745q.463 0 .781.325a1.1 1.1 0 0 1 .32.798q0 .457-.32.784a1.06 1.06 0 0 1-.78.326q-.464 0-.774-.326a1.1 1.1 0 0 1-.314-.784q0-.46.326-.791.324-.333.762-.332m.914 9.871h-1.824v-6.594h1.824zm2.055-5.778q.97-.945 2.47-.945t2.47.945q.97.945.97 2.486 0 1.532-.97 2.48-.969.951-2.47.951-1.499 0-2.47-.95-.969-.951-.97-2.48.001-1.543.97-2.487m3.62 1.141q-.438-.492-1.15-.492-.714 0-1.15.492-.438.492-.438 1.345 0 .856.438 1.34.439.484 1.15.483.712 0 1.15-.484.439-.486.438-1.339 0-.853-.438-1.345m6.862-2.084q1.138.002 1.831.714.694.715.693 1.976v4.031h-1.824v-3.674q0-.624-.308-.969-.305-.345-.83-.344-.537 0-.87.363-.331.363-.332.963v3.661h97.78v-6.594h1.725v.677q.504-.804 1.739-.804m9.976 4.017h-4.438q.025.624.382.982.356.357.969.357.975 0 1.188-.727l1.837.09q-.176.942-1.007 1.544-.83.6-1.97.6-1.5 0-2.418-.933-.919-.93-.92-2.499-.001-1.58.914-2.507.913-.925 2.374-.926 1.414-.001 2.25.874.839.875.839 2.404zm-3.099-2.564q-.587 0-.945.351-.355.35-.394.976h2.601q-.025-.625-.345-.976-.317-.35-.917-.35m10.289 2.564h-4.438q.025.624.382.982.356.357.969.357.975 0 1.188-.727l1.837.09q-.176.942-1.007 1.544-.83.6-1.97.6-1.5 0-2.418-.933-.919-.93-.92-2.499-.001-1.58.914-2.507.913-.925 2.374-.926 1.414-.001 2.25.874.839.875.839 2.404zm-3.101-2.564q-.587 0-.945.351-.355.35-.394.976h2.601q-.025-.625-.345-.976-.315-.35-.917-.35m7.806-1.39v1.8q-.788 0-1.249.414-.463.414-.463 1.105v3.341h-1.825v-6.594h1.763v.754q.513-.822 1.774-.82m3.213-.063q1.187 0 1.856.588.669.587.756 1.544l-1.812.102q-.039-.804-.824-.803-.738 0-.737.56 0 . 0 0 0 .125.076q. 1.111.293 1.656.707.544.415.544 1.244 0 1.02-.7 1.606t-1.951.588q-1.239 0-1.945-.555-.706-.553-.805-1.587l1.824-.102q.038.816.939.816.376.001.593-.16a.51.51 0 0 0 .218-.44.47.47 0 0 0-.23-.434q-.231-.14-.945-.32a16 16 0 0 1-.78-.216 4.6 4.6 0 0 1-.612-.249 1.5 1.5 0 0 1-.494-.35 1.8 1.8 0 0 1-.283-.492 1.9 1.9 0 0 1-.118-.696q0-.956.687-1.517c.459-.374 1.096-.565 1.905-.565m54.878.201c-2.293.386-4.462 1.302-6.39 2.603a23 23 0 0 0-.501-2.621h-8.518a12.9 12.9 0 0 1 1.303 5.677c0 2.997-1.013 5.75-2.704 7.924a13.54 13.54 0 0 1 4.082 9.735c0 2.3-.564 4.465-1.558 6.358h9.467v11.91c1.06-1.148 2.746-2.603 4.82-2.924 2.666-.416 4.819 1.4 4.819 4.132v16.759h9.648v12.603c0-8.196-6.479-13.749-14.468-12.402m-26.502 9.895c2.281 0 4.133-1.897 4.133-4.238s-1.85-4.239-4.133-4.239c-2.28 0-4.132 1.897-4.132 4.239v4.238zm.69 8.477h-4.82v4.944c0 2.732 2.158 4.944 4.82 4.944 2.66 0 4.82-2.214 4.82-4.944s-2.158-4.944-4.82-4.944m-4.82 0v-8.477h15.98v.183h6.339v9.915h0v8.477h6.34v4.944c0 6.437 2.544 12.265 6.656 16.481l6.816-6.99c-2.368-2.43-3.832-5.786-3.832-9.49v-4.947z m859.7 310.7 31.8-2.1-5.4-33.2-30.3 1.9q1.9 16.7 3.9 33.4 m869.84 139.56c0-43.75 29.74-69 62.47-69s62.47 25.25 62.47 69-29.74 68.79-62.47 68.79-62.47-25.25-62.47-68.79m93.29 0c0-26.32-11.55-43.86-30.81-43.86s-30.81 17.54-30.81 43.86 11.55 43.65 30.81 43.65 30.81-17.33 30.81-43.65m49.9-65.79h25.25l2.35 17.76h.86c11.77-11.45 25.14-20.97 43.11-20.97 28.13 0 40.44 19.04 40.44 52.2v82.37h-30.81v-78.41c0-21.61-6.2-29.74-20.43-29.74-11.55 0-19.15 5.67-29.95 16.37v91.78h-30.81v73.77zm135.54 97.56v16.22h30.81v156.72c0 7.6 3.42 10.27 6.63 10.27 1.39 0 2.46 0 4.81-.54l3.85 23c-3.74 1.5-8.88 2.67-16.26 2.67-21.82 0-29.85-14.12-29.85-37.01zm52.93-138c0-10.38 8.13-17.44 19.04-17.44s19.04 7.06 19.04 17.44-8.13 17.44-19.04 17.44-19.04-7.27-19.04-17.44m3.53 40.44h30.81v131.37h-30.81zm54.66 0h25.25l2.35 17.76h.86c11.77-11.45 25.14-20.97 43.11-20.97 28.13 0 40.44 19.04 40.44 52.2v82.37h-30.81v-78.41c0-21.61-6.2-29.74-20.43-29.74-11.55 0-19.15 5.67-29.95 16.37v91.78h-30.81v73.77zm129.52 65.79c0-42.68 29.63-69 60.55-69 35.52 0 54.24 25.67 54.24 62.37 0 5.88-.64 11.77-1.34 14.98h-83.39c2.57 23.32 17.54 36.59 38.73 36.59 11.23 0 20.86-3.53 30.49-9.52l10.48 19.15c-12.52 8.45-28.35 14.23-45.04 14.23-36.26 0-64.72-25.46-64.72-68.79zm88.15-12.62c0-20.22-8.99-32.52-26.96-32.52-15.3 0-28.78 11.45-31.45 32.52z m869.84 139.56c0-43.75 29.74-69 62.47-69s62.47 25.25 62.47 69-29.74 68.79-62.47 68.79-62.47-25.25-62.47-68.79m93.29 0c0-26.32-11.55-43.86-30.81-43.86s-30.81 17.54-30.81 43.86 11.55 43.65 30.81 43.65 30.81-17.33 30.81-43.65m49.9-65.79h25.25l2.35 17.76h.86c11.77-11.45 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15.22h30.81v48.89l288 89.46c11.02-10.38 24.07-19.9 42.04-19.9 28.13 0 40.44 19.04 40.44 52.2v82.37h-30.81v-78.41c0-21.61-6.2-29.74-20.43-29.74-11.55 0-19.15 5.67-29.95 16.37v91.78h-30.81v15.22zm129.58 123.34c0-42.68 29.63-69 60.55-69 35.52 0 54.24 25.67 54.24 62.37 0 5.88-.64 11.77-1.34 14.98h-83.39c2.57 23.32 17.54 36.59 38.73 36.59 11.23 0 20.86-3.53 30.49-9.52l10.48 19.15c-12.52 8.45-28.35 14.23-45.04 14.23-36.26 0-64.72-25.46-64.72-68.79zm88.14-12.62c0-20.22-8.99-32.52-26.96-32.52-15.3 0-28.78 11.45-31.45 32.52zm41.46-93.6c0-10.38 8.13-17.44 19.04-17.44s19.04 7.06 19.04 17.44-8.13 17.44-19.04 17.44-19.04-7.27-19.04-17.44m3.53 40.43h30.81v131.37h-30.81zm44.04 116.29 14.33-19.58c11.66 9.09 22.95 14.66 36.26 14.66 14.33 0 21.07-6.74 21.07-15.72 0-11.02-14.23-15.94-28.24-21.29-17.22-6.47-36.91-16.37-36.91-38.3s18.4-39.26 47.82-39.26c18.29 0 32.95 7.43 43.65 15.73l-14.12 18.93c-9.2-6.74-18.45-11.45-28.78-11.45-13.21 0-19.47 6.31-19.47 14.55 0 10.38 13.27 14.33 27.49 19.58 17.76 6.63 37.65 15.19 37.65 39.69 0 22.57-17.86 40.76-51.03 40.76-17.97 0-36.91-7.7-49.74-18.29zm111.39-50.5c0-42.68 29.63-69 60.55-69 35.52 0 54.24 25.67 54.24 62.37 0 5.88-.64 11.77-1.34 14.98h-83.39c2.57 23.32 17.54 36.59 38.73 36.59 11.23 0 20.86-3.53 30.49-9.52l10.48 19.15c-12.52 8.45-28.35 14.23-45.04 14.23-36.26 0-64.72-25.46-64.72-68.79zm88.15-12.62c0-20.22-8.99-32.52-26.96-32.52-15.3 0-28.78 11.45-31.45 32.52zm114.88 2.89c15.41 7.19 22.08 25.51 14.89 40.92l-71.06 152.4c-7.19 15.41-25.51 22.08-40.92 14.9c2.38 203.92-4.29 185.6 2.9 170.18l73.95 17.79c81.14 2.38 99.46-4.29 114.88 2.9m49.2 97.26c-15.41-7.18-33.73-.52-40.92 14.9l-25.7 55.12c-7.19 15.41-.52 33.74 14.89 40.93s33.73.52 40.92-14.89l25.71-55.12c7.19-15.42.52-33.74-14.9-40.93 m870.12 139.56c0-42.79 26.85-69 55.63-69 14.87 0 24.28 5.56 34.45 14.44l-1.18-21.18v-47.6h30.81v188.92h-25.25l-2.35-14.23h-.86c-9.73 9.73-23.21 17.44-37.33 17.44-32.74 0-53.92-25.46-53.92-68.79m88.9 28.56v-61.19c-8.99-8.02-17.86-10.91-26.74-10.91-16.69 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13.85-47.67 27.16 0 11.65 7.94 16.75 19 16.75s18.9-5.26 28.67-14.28m48.51-30.49c0-43.91 31.03-69.25 66.14-69.25 16.75 0 28.99 6.44 38.55 14.82l-15.03 20.08c-6.98-6.12-13.64-9.66-21.9-9.66-21.26 0-35.97 17.61-35.97 44.02s14.49 43.81 35 43.81c10.31 0 19.76-5.05 27.27-11.38l12.56 20.4c-12.35 10.95-28.02 16.21-43.05 16.21-35.97 0-63.56-25.34-63.56-69.04zm118.37 30.39c0-28.24 23.41-42.95 77.52-48.74-.43-14.17-6.12-25.98-23.94-25.98-13.1 0-25.45 5.91-37.04 12.99l-11.38-20.61c14.49-9.13 33.18-17.29 54.11-17.29 32.96 0 49.17 20.29 49.17 57.01v78.06h-25.34l-2.36-14.6h-.86c-11.81 10.09-25.34 17.82-40.91 17.82-23.08 0-38.97-15.68-38.97-38.65zm77.52.1v-29.63c-35.75 4.51-47.67 13.85-47.67 27.16 0 11.65 7.94 16.75 19 16.75s18.9-5.26 28.67-14.28m49.6-30.49c0-42.95 26.95-69.25 55.83-69.25 14.92 0 24.37 5.58 34.57 14.49l-1.18-21.26v16.28h30.92v189.61h-25.34l-2.36-14.28h-.86c-9.77 9.77-23.3 17.5-37.47 17.5-32.85 0-54.11-25.55-54.11-69.04m89.22 28.67v-61.41c-9.02-8.05-17.93-10.95-26.84-10.95-16.75 0-30.6 15.89-30.6 43.38s10.95 43.81 29.95 43.81c10.2 0 18.79-4.51 27.49-14.82zm49.18-28.67c0-42.84 29.74-69.25 60.77-69.25 35.65 0 54.44 25.77 54.44 62.6 0 5.91-.64 11.81-1.34 15.03h-83.69c2.58 23.41 17.61 36.72 38.87 36.72 11.27 0 20.94-3.54 30.6-9.56l10.52 19.22c-12.56 8.48-28.45 14.28-45.2 14.28-36.4 0-64.96-25.55-64.96-69.04zm88.47-12.67c0-20.29-9.02-32.64-27.06-32.64-15.35 0-28.88 11.49-31.57 32.64h58.62zm45.39-53.36h25.34l2.36 17.98h.86c11.17-11.65 23.94-21.21 40.48-21.21 19.33 0 30.33 8.8 36.4 23.62 12.62-13.42 25.66-23.62 42.41-23.62 27.81 0 40.69 19.11 40.69 52.4v82.67h-30.92v-78.7c0-21.69-6.44-29.85-20.29-29.85-8.37 0-17.39 5.37-27.59 16.43v92.12h-30.92v-78.7c0-21.69-6.44-29.85-20.29-29.85-8.16 0-17.39 5.37-27.59 16.43v92.12h-30.92v74.04zm204.77 183.28 5.69-23.94c2.52.75 6.34 1.83 9.45 1.83 13.85 0 21.9-9.45 26.3-22.65l2.47-8.27-51.86-130.24h31.35l22.76 64.64c3.97 11.7 7.73 24.69 11.6 37.26h1.07c3.33-12.24 6.66-25.23 10.09-37.26l19.65-64.64h29.85l-47.67 137.86c-10.95 29.69-24.8 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0-64.91-25.54-64.91-68.99zm88.41-12.66c0-20.28-9.01-32.62-27.04-32.62-15.34 0-28.86 11.48-31.54 32.62zm41.57-93.88c0-10.41 8.15-17.49 19.1-17.49s19.1 7.08 19.1 17.49-8.15 17.49-19.1 17.49-19.1-7.3-19.1-17.49m3.54 40.56h30.9v131.75h-30.9zm44.18 116.62 14.38-19.63c11.69 9.12 23.01 14.7 36.37 14.7 14.38 0 21.14-6.76 21.14-15.77 0-11.05-14.27-15.99-28.32-21.35-17.27-6.49-37.02-16.42-37.02-38.41s18.45-39.38 47.96-39.38c18.35 0 33.05 7.46 43.77 15.77l-14.16 18.99c-9.23-6.76-18.51-11.48-28.86-11.48-13.25 0-19.53 6.33-19.53 14.59 0 10.41 13.3 14.38 27.57 19.63 17.81 6.65 37.77 15.24 37.77 39.8 0 22.64-17.92 40.88-51.18 40.88-18.02 0-37.02-7.73-49.89-18.35zm106.65-116.62h31.33l20.92 68.34c3.65 12.98 7.51 26.5 11.16 39.7h1.07c3.65-13.2 7.51-26.72 11.16-39.7l20.92-68.34h29.83l-44.74 131.75h-35.73zm128.37 65.98c0-42.81 29.72-69.2 60.73-69.2 35.62 0 54.4 25.75 54.4 62.55 0 5.9-.64 11.8-1.34 15.02h-83.63c2.58 23.39 17.6 36.69 38.84 36.69 11.27 0 20.92-3.54 30.58-9.55l10.51 19.21c-12.55 8.48-28.43 14.27-45.17 14.27-36.37 0-64.91-25.54-64.91-68.99zm88.41-12.66c0-20.28-9.01-32.62-27.04-32.62-15.34 0-28.86 11.48-31.54 32.62zm45.36-53.32h25.32l2.36 23.5h.86c9.39-17.17 23.34-26.72 37.44-26.72 6.71 0 10.94.86 14.91 2.68l-5.37 26.82c-4.61-1.29-8.05-2.15-13.52-2.15-10.51 0-23.17 7.19-31.11 27.25v80.36h1644v73.99zm79.5 155.68c0-11.1 6.87-20.81 18.99-28.11v-1.07c-6.76-4.4-11.91-11.37-11.91-21.99s6.97-19.21 14.59-24.57v-1.07c-9.01-6.65-17.38-19.21-17.38-34.76 0-30.26 24.46-47.32 52.04-47.32 7.3 0 14.16 1.29 19.53 3.22h47.1v22.96h-24.03c4.29 4.94 7.51 13.09 7.51 22.1 0 29.29-22.21 44.96-50.11 44.96-5.58 0-11.91-1.18-17.81-3.49-3.97 3.38-6.44 6.71-6.44 12.61 0 7.4 5.36 11.91 21.35 11.91h23.44c31.49 0 48.23 9.76 48.23 32.51 0 25.96-27.25 46.46-70.28 46.46-31.44 0-54.83-11.27-54.83-34.33zm95.28-7.08c0-10.19-8.15-13.2-23.23-13.2h-18.08c-7.08 0-12.77-.54-17.81-1.82-7.08 5.36-10.19 11.27-10.19 17.38 0 12.02 12.87 18.99 33.58 18.99s35.73-9.98 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der schuss geht nach hinten los mit crystaldiskinfo lassen sich festplatten mithilfe der s.m.a.r.t.-diagnosetechnik analysieren und überwachen. mit data cloud one vereinfa salesforce das teilen von cloud-daten sowie den zugriff auf analysen und crm über mehrere abteilungen einer firma hinweg. mit der n1 outdoor hat baseus ein bundle geschnürt das zwei batteriebetriebene Überwachungskameras und einen hub mit 16 gb speicher umfasst. wie gut die sicherheitslösung in der praxis funktioniert zeigt der test. mit review &miw~ g jus ́i_x   % $?z=v2/~볳˃sᲮ @tzif Ӓ ˔n 0z kx2h9u/1r mj- =.0ir1* @mj^rzx ayr~d; zbi̺tb3m  mkac20~5 b6 ml- 0.5em h- 0.7em shrink-0 fill-current transition-transform group-hover:translate-x- 0.5em ml-2 border-b border-transparent transition duration-150 ease-in group-hover:border-current ml-2 h-3 rotate-90 fill-current -ml-2 overflow-hidden md:ml-0 ho-scroll-container-nav my-1.5 md:my-0 ml-2 underline .ml:; v_ mlyxj@v;l1vpuiq mm hxjiugn0 m mp_jjpav09+r:kf-%=t5chqfi- x 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